Serdar Paktin

Hello, I am Serdar. I am the founder of the London-based sense-making organization pakt Agency. I love researching and interpreting the codes, behaviors, and processes in the cultural systems. Gastronomy is my hobby and I also started a studio named temaset Multisensory Experience Design Studio.

Serdar’s relationship with ATÖLYE started when they were both TEDxReset speakers in 2013. ATÖLYE and Serdar collaborated in 2016 for the first time. He designed and coordinated ATÖLYE’s Learning from the Future and team retreats, besides being involved in many other ATÖLYE projects. He still contributes to several projects with his work on sense-making and insight. He caters consultancy to global brands on culture strategy and positioning through the London-based pakt sense-making agency he founded.

After his military high school and Air Force Academy experience, Serdar left the military and studied American Culture and Literature. He began his career as a writer and editor and worked in the editorial team of ARENA Magazine’s Turkish Edition. He completed his MA as a Fullbright scholar in Interdisciplinary Studies at The New School for Social Research in New York. He participated in lectures by significant cultural thinkers such as Christopher Hitchens, Anthony Gottlieb, and Julia Kristeva. He was a part-time researcher with Whitman Insight Strategies, known for its political campaign strategies and insights.

After returning to Turkey, he first worked as the Strategy Director at GENNA Marketing Communications Group and then as the Strategy Director of Turkey’s first social media election campaign for the 2011 General Election at GREY Worldwide. He worked as a Campaign Specialist in’s first year in Turkey and helped the website reach one million members within a year.

In subsequent years, he worked as a freelance consultant on communication and content strategies for digital platforms. He also acted as a consultant for non-governmental organizations on resource development and campaign strategy. He received the Golden Spider award for the third time in his life in 2014 as a Strategic Communication Consultant with the content platform prepared for the 600th Anniversary of the Turkey-Poland Relations Project.

Serdar is also involved in education and training. He has been a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Communication in Kadir Has University since 2012. He designed and conducted trainings-workshops for many institutions such as Business Management Institute, Fundraising School, Civil Think, EU TACSO, and ATÖLYE. He also writes about the fields in which he is involved in books, magazines, and blogs.


  • Annual Fulbright Awards Dinner: Presenter, 2009
  • MIT Business Forum: Semi-finalist at Entrepreneurship Competition, 2011
  • Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST): Semi-finalist at I Dare Competition, 2011
  • Pecha Kucha: Curating Istanbul, Speaker, 2012
  • Pecha Kucha: Curating Istanbul, Speaker, 2012
  • TEDxReset: Critical Crossroads, Speaker, 2013
  • Global Cleantech Innovation Program (GCIP): Mentor, 2014
  • Internet Governance Forum: Freedom House Turkey Delegation, 2014
  • Rolling Back the Rollback Conference: Central European University, Speaker, 2014
  • HEMZEMİN Social Good Communication Conference: Presenter, 2015
  • Communicating the Museum Conference: Speaker, 2015
  • International Press Institute: On the Line Meeting, Speaker, 2016
  • Careers in the Arts and Culture Panel: Koç University, Speaker, 2017


  • Sense-making
  • Semiotics
  • Cultural Analysis
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Systems Thinking
  • Brainwriting
  • Creative Writing
  • Team Coaching
  • Strategic Planning
  • Facilitation